Giant Views, Giant Opportunities!
以最giant的視野看世界,HSMUN 2010 讓你過一個特別而難忘的暑假!

HSMUN 2010 第四屆全國高中生模擬聯合國體驗營








HGA (Historical General Assembly)


Dear delegates,

     Welcome to this year’s HSMUN Conference. The General Assembly is one of the five main organs of the United Nations and its goal is to maintain international peace and security. Since all 192 member states are represented, the resolutions passed reflect the opinion of the majority of countries in the world. HGA takes people back to a real session that actually took place in United Nations’ General Assembly.
     This year, in the 2010 HSMUN we want all delegates to discuss, debate, negotiate and think as if we were diplomats who participated in an emergency session held in response to an Arab-Israeli conflict that broke out in 1967. With such an interesting opportunity, we expect our sessions to be highly dynamic if delegates can really understand the problem and faithfully stick to their countries’ position.
     The special thing about HGA is that you’ll never see anything like this in the real United Nations. But here in HSMUN, we’re going to take you on a time machine back to the year of 1967, when Israel launched a preemptive attack on its neighbor countries. What should have been done? Do you want to change the history? It is your chance right now! We promise you a worthwhile experience and we look forward to having the best time with you soon in July!

Nickie Yue and Sophie Sun
Chairs of HGA, HSMUN 2010



我是 陳 薇Christa,目前就讀台大法律系一年級。我喜歡彈琴、閱讀、和繪畫,更喜歡參加各式各樣的活動。台大模擬聯合國社是一個很棒的地方,在這裡我不僅增強了自己的英文能力、國際視野,也交到許多志同道合的好朋友,今年三月我們更參與了盛大的WMUN,認識來自世界的各國代表,探討各項專業領域議題和進行文化交流。模聯於我是一扇窗,讓我看到更多元更廣闊的世界!

Hi there! 我是許宸源,英文名子是Brian,我是台大政治政論一的學長。我是在高三的時候開始知道台灣有模擬聯合國這樣的活動,剛進大一的時候就進了這個社團。它給了我課堂之外練習英文和了解國際議題的機會,下學期參加的世界模擬聯合國大會更是我人生中最難忘的經驗之一!相信大家也都會有豐富的收穫!

嗨~我是林瑜Louis,我是Historical General Assembly的co-chair。模擬聯合國?什麼是模擬聯合國?相信你們第一次聽到這個名詞時一定對它很陌生。但是現在的你們是不是漸漸對它有一點概念了呢?模擬聯合國使散居於各地的人們齊聚一堂,並對於他們所關切的議題進行激烈的討論,並且在這過程中相得益彰彼此學習。而模擬聯合國社也讓我得到許許多多的感動與成長,希望你們也會得到相同的感動跟成長,並且在未來的日子能多多關心我們的世界,並努力讓他變得更好。

ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council)

Dear prospective delegates,

     Welcome to the National High School Model United Nations Conference 2010!!! It’s our pleasure to serve as your Chairs for the Economic and Social Council committee this July.
     The UN ECOSOC was specifically established to provide a platform that addressed the economic and social issues pertinent to the world of international relations and that sought solutions to these problems through policy recommendations to Member States and relevant commissions. Member States should be dedicated to collaborating in order to find solutions for the problems we will be discussing. Individual delegates have the responsibility to allocate extant resources wisely and efficiently while keeping in mind diverse international needs. To achieve this, a thorough knowledge of the role of the council and its social consequences, in addition to basic knowledge of economics, is essential.
     This year’s topic is: New models of development to empower the poorest people of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) with the necessary skills and knowledge. It calls for the restructuring of models of development for the poorest people in Less Developed Countries, in order to equip these people with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive and obtain a job in today’s society. The topic at hand calls a restructuring of models of development involves but are not limited to investigating different means of empowering the poorest people, including models of education and development of basic infrastructure, and seeking out the most appropriate and accessible avenues to do so. We expect everyone not only to have a good understanding of the topic area but also at the very least the position and ideologies of their respective countries. Every delegation is required to submit a position paper. Adherence to these policies is of utmost importance in this conference.
     Finally, we affirm that your experience in HSMUN will be challenging but enriching. We have both witnessed firsthand, the fruits and consequences of pre conference preparation and we hereby thank you in advance for your efforts in your preparation for making the experience worthwhile for all participants. We would like to encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns.
    Looking forward to meeting you and wish you the best.

Yuting Liu and Penny Su
Chairs of ECOSOC, HSMUN 2010


大家好,我是圖資二的蘇品伃。模聯是一個可以學習、可以成長、可以鍛鍊自我的地方,會看見世界的壯闊,也會了解到自己的渺小,也因此,才有了不斷向前邁進的動力。在這,不僅有學術領域的鑽研、瘋狂歡樂的享受生活、更珍貴的是能交到一群知心的朋友。Being a MUNer gives me the strength to move on, and the faith to believe in myself. I hope you will feel the same way. Don't hesitate, let your MUN journey begin!!!!!

各位HSMUN 2010的學員大家好,很高興能認識你們:)我的名字是張佳穎,大家都叫我Cynthia,現在就讀台灣大學外文系一年級,喜愛英文、旅行、運動、聽音樂、看電影 。今年我很榮幸地在三月舉辦的World MUN 2010擔任African Union的副主席,我得到的收穫遠遠超出我的想像,也認識了許多才華洋溢又有熱情的外國學生。自從高中接觸模聯後,模聯對我的影響重大,不僅讓我更認識自己,也改變了很多既有的想法,讓我更勇於挑戰自己、與團隊合作。希望你們在營隊中也能有很多的收穫!



WTO (World Trade Organization)


Dear delegates,

     As the chairs of the World Trade Organization, we welcome you to this year’s High School Model United Nations Conference! Although the WTO is not an UN organ, the WTO has been a part of many Model United Nations Conferences. The WTO has been mostly focused on affairs concerning with trade and the economy. It provides a forum for all parties involved to talk about their problems and brings their issues to the table. Dear delegates, this is what we are encouraging all of you to do. As your respective countries, bring your issues to the table so we all candidly talk about them and maybe learn more about the world in the process of doing so.
     This year, our topic is “Trade and Climate Change”. With rapid economic growth, an increasing amount of greenhouse gas has been discharged into the atmosphere, causing a severe impact on the global climate. People have started to pay attention to the importance of environmental protection, and it has become a big issue that a lot of countries have been discussing.
     We believe that this will be a fun event, and all of you will gain a very valuable experience and discover the relationship between trade and climate. Feel free to email us for any further questions. We look forward to meeting all of you in July!

Best regards,
Joan Wang and Julianne Lu
Chairs of WTO, HSMUN 2010


哈囉! 我是劉庭瑋,也可以叫我Terence。我現在是台大資工二的同學。我六歲時就和家人移民到南非,一直到上大學後才回來台灣。我今年加入了模聯社,也參加了三月在台北舉辦的世界模擬聯合國會議。 除了認識一群很好的朋友我也從此學到了寶貴的溝通技巧以及更深入的了解許多國際議題。我是一個很開朗的人,平時喜歡看雜誌,聽音樂,偶而也會打網球。希望大家這幾天能和我一樣學到許多東西,也同時能have a great time!

有理想有抱負的同學大家好,我是這次HSMUN的學術部WTO的部員陳柏宇,目前正就讀台大資管一年級,甫進入大學就加入了WorldMUN 2010的副主席培訓計畫,在WorldMUN時於SPECPOL委員會(Special, Political and Decolonization Committee)擔任副主席,短短幾天的議程以及和主席、代表、志工們的互動都讓我印象深刻,感受到每個人對於這個活動的熱情。很高興你/妳對於HSMUN感興趣,而營期的活動也一定不會讓各位失望!